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Why Leads Don’t Move to Appointments

If you’ve been in sales or working for yourself for a while; you know there is no ‘silver-bullet’ to client-acquisition.

Simply because someone attended a Financial webinar, seminar or completed an online form – does not mean they are ready to buy (or even commit to an appointment).

As someone who speaks with financial leads almost daily, I have a very unique perspective.

There are countless reasons why a person (you received as a lead) – is not answering your calls, replying to your emails or showing any interest.

Which is why we need to have processes in place that catch them during their BUYING process (not only your sales-cycle).

Reasons Leads Don’t Move Forward

Sometimes it is logical (left brain reason). Other times it is emotional (not logical).

These are just some reasons we’ve seen in helping Financial Advisors follow-up with their leads.

  1. They don’t trust you.
  2. You did something they didn’t like.
  3. The problem is not important enough.
  4. There are TOO many obstacles or objections.
  5. They are not Ready to Buy (info gathering stage).

Do not take any of this personally. At least not in limiting way.

View it as an opportunity to get better; to better serve your potential clients & to grow.

How to Help your Prospects MOVe Forward

The following could definitely be an article or masterclass on its’ own.

So I won’t go into too much depth or detail here.

Frequently used & common ways To help your Financial Prospects
  1. Minimize Obstacles & remove Objections – Make it Easy for them To buy.
  2. Qualify. Qualify. Qualify – Are they even Prospects?
  3. Zero in on your BUYER – Know their Pain (why they Buy) & convey you can HELP.
  4. Marketing – make sure your marketing is right for you & bringing you good leads.
  5. Have Processes in Place to Catch Your Lead & Prospect in THEIR buying process.

Rather than trying to change who you are, know the main reasons they don’t choose to work with you or even schedule an appointment.

Understand who your buyer is & what type of financial clients you best work with.

This way you can overcome ‘common’ objections & work smarter, not harder.


If you’re a Business Owner & Financial Advisor investing in leads – make sure you consider and respect your prospect & their buying cycle.

Just because you spent $2,000 or $5000 on an event or $400 on a financial lead does not mean they are ready to buy today.

The path to acquiring a new client & them buying is not always linear or logical.

Know your buyer and understand how you can most effectively reach & convert them.

When you do this, you can grow your business & earn new clients.

If you don’t have follow-up processes or would like help – contact us!!

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