Having been in sales for more than 13 years and working with top financial advisors for 5+, one thing is clear; most salespeople don’t have processes in place.
We love closing, collecting big commissions and even overcoming objections.
But how many LOVE following up?
How many have consistent and systematic ways of making sure a prospect doesn’t slip through the cracks?
This is not judgement nor condemnation, this is knowing oneself.
It doesn’t matter if you spend $10 or $350 on a lead
If you do not have an effective way of putting them through your sales process; you may as well throw your money down the drain.
Because buying leads and not following up, is a waste of money.
As Ryan Stewman, the Hardcore Closer puts it – not every person that came through your marketing funnel is ready to buy…
“90 percent of your leads will get lost, these are just the facts. Most salespeople have no long-term follow-up plan or automatic system in place…You can recoup a lot of the 90 percent by following up weekly. Sadly, most salespeople won’t”
Leads are the lifeblood of our business. Marketing is the fuel and sales is all about knowing what to do with both.
I’ve seen advisors and sales professionals buy high-end leads (paid $300+ PER lead) – call them a few times & forget about them (or worse let them grow cold).
Bought the marketing message from the company that SOLD the lead, and believed the leads were all candidates (ready to buy today 😕).
Then eventually thought something was wrong with the lead or themselves, rather than treating the lead accordingly.
Companies sell leads.
A portion of them are simply great marketers, and aren’t overly concerned if you convert or close.
They are ok with the ‘burn + churn’ – they have plenty of leads. 🤷♀️
But you are in business to succeed & serve your clients.
You don’t want to be wasting money or your time.
Things to consider when buying leads:
- Are these leads right for me?
- How soon do you follow up with them?
- Do you have a consistent process in place?
- When do you take them off your rotation?
- What do you do with their contact information?
Some leads/vendors can certainly be better than others, but leads are people.
You just need to understand their psyche better.
When they are looking to purchase.
How they like to buy, etc.
Knowing who they are and how to effectively reach them is key.
But if you don’t have a process in place to sift + sort or respect their time-frame, you are throwing money away.
The leads are weak…
Maybe it’s your process.
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